Senior Program Manager Resume
Posted on: 2011-04-14
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- Strong skills in project management and analysis; streamlining systems & processes, fiscal and budget oversight.
- + years of experience launching and managing technology intensive anti-poverty programs
Seedco New York, NY
Senior Program Manager July -Present
Community Based Programs & Opportunity NYC (Fiscal & Billing)
- Streamline and manage budgetary control processes for full and effective utilization of resources
- Streamline and enhance user functionality of the Customer Relationship Application with users in multiple locations to increase efficiency and revenue
- Document and disseminate system improvements
- Prepare a $ million budget for the department and conducted a feasibility analysis for setting up a direct service site
- Manage and streamline milestone billing and reimbursements for Seedco’s $. million performance based contract for the Back-To-Work (BTW) program with NYC Human Resources Administration
- Manage release of Opportunity NYC reward payments, financial reporting and program close-out
Program Manager
Opportunity NYC (Operations) November - June
- Set-up and manage processes for the first conditional cash transfer program in the US targeted towards reducing inter-generational poverty through behavioral changes of participants
- Set up systems and processes to process reward payments of $ million over a three year period to over families with an error rate of near %
- Lead manager to define user functionalities and business requirements, coordinate testing across functional teams, ensure quality assurance in the development of Customer Relationship Application
- Lead project manager to implement and manage an in-house call center through its complete life cycle to provide customer service families
- Coordinated and streamlined data exchange with city agencies
- Designed and managed financial reporting processes
- Supervised a team of staff members and coordinated with internal and external stakeholdxfam Hong Kong
Oxfam Hong Kong Shanghai PRC Consultant September – January
- Evaluated and created reports on China’s Labor Programs for -.
- Conducted macro analysis of projects targeting migrant labor; conducted site visits to project partners to monitor and evaluate program implementation; and conducted SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis of labor program;
- Co-authored final report: “Impact Evaluation of Oxfam’s Labor Program in China”
- Conducted detailed quantitative analysis of project grants for relevance towards achievement of organizational goals and objectives and to enable monitoring & evaluation team to compare their qualitative data-based findings with grant allocations made during the period
Self Employed Women\'s Association (SEWA) Ahmedabad, India ManagerManagermployed Women\'s Association May – April
- Set-up Business Development Services for a , member organization to promote women’s micro-enterprises
- Managed a US $, program budget for a three-year period
- Liaised and reported to stakeholders within central and provincial government, district administration, beneficiary groups, and other donor agencies to ensure timely release of grant installments
- Identified funding needs, formulated project proposals, and successfully obtained grants from ILO, USAID, and DFID.
Punsumi India Ltd Jaipur, India
Marketing Officer October -September
- Conducted special audit to streamline business processes. Identified bottlenecks, reported findings to senior management and proposed alternative solutions to reduce order processing time for the product
University of Hong Kong Masters of Philosophy (MPhil) University of Rajasthan, India MBA
University of Rajasthan BS, Biology
Technical Skills
Proficiency in MS Office; MS Project; MS Access; Visio
Proficiency in using Financial Edge Reporting tool
Permanent Resident